Painful. Elated. Sore. Accomplished. Emotional. Wreck. These are all of the words, and then some, that I would use to describe yesterday's Chicago Marathon.
Of course, alot of these words probably wouldn't even be an issue if I had trained properly for this race. I signed up with good intentions, and had even began training with a running group about 2 months out, but shin splints caused both physical and mental damage and I was down for the count and unable to get back up to the amount of mileage that was being ran by the time I was able to step foot to the pavement again. And although a sprint triathlon 4 weeks out and a half-marathon with a PR 3 weeks out were possible, they just weren't enough to make this marathon any easier on me.
The night before I sat on the bed in the hotel room and really began questioning my ability to pull it off. It had also been a busy day since we landed in Chicago at around 7:00 that morning. A lot of walking, going to the expo, having lunch, walking some more, and trying to keep ourselves warm in the brisk, 40 degree, downtown weather left me a little drained in more ways than one. I even thought that I might be coming down with something as I laid in bed - feeling like the last thing in the world I wanted to do the next morning was get up and run 26.2 miles.
That night I woke up probably every hour - par for the course for me on the night before any big event. At 5:00 a.m. we got up, took a shower, put on our gear, and headed out the door. The low of the morning was to be around 30 degrees, but stepping outside it wasn't too terribly bad. We had about an hour and a half to walk to the start line (just a 1/2 mile or so away), do any last minute pottying, drop a bag of gear to change into after the race (the high was to be around 50 degrees, and standing around in wet, sweaty clothes would have been mighty uncomfortable).
Me and the rest of the crew - about 6 of us total - lined up on the corral and waited for the gun to go off at 7:30. It took about 7 minutes to get from where we stood to the start line, but after that we were off. With 45,000 people, it was hard to find a good, steady pace, but by a mile or two in my feet had thawed enough and the crowd had thinned out somewhat, which made things easier.
I was going along at a pretty good pace and doing my normal mathematical calculations in my head. At the 6 mile mark I thought, "Okay, just 20 more miles to go - or about 4 more of what you just did." At the 8 mile mark it became just 3 more of what I just did. That was totally do-able. At the halfway mark - the 13.1 miles that make up the 8 prior half marathons that I accomplished, having to do ONE MORE of what I had just done seemed a little harder. I'm pretty sure it was a mind thing rather than physical, because at mile 14 I remember distinctly thinking that this had been the furthest I had ever run. EVER.
I started off doing my 6/1 intervals, but it was around this time that I went down to 4/1. I kept thinking of how someone once told me that at mile 17 a lot of runners "hit the wall" and I was preparing myself mentally for that not to happen. At mile 16 however, I had to tell myself not to cry - although physically I was still feeling good for the most part. I got past the infamous 17 mile wall okay, and even bypassed said wall with no problem. At 18, the thoughts of wanting to cry crept up again, but I was able to push them back down somehow.
The next 5 miles are kind of a blur. This is probably a good thing, as acquiring PTSD isn't something that I really wanted to get while running this race. I do recall though having to back down the intervals to 4/2, and at some pointing having to cut back even less to running one song (I ALWAYS run with an ipod) and walking one song.
At mile 23, I lost it. Physically I was in a lot of pain, and mentally I was shot. I can't recall the exact moment it started, but for about a quarter of a mile or so after that mile I cried. I also looked down at my feet and noticed the left side of my left shoe had been saturated with blood. This had happened before, so I wasn't too concerned. Plus, ironically, this was one of the few parts of my foot (feet) that weren't in excrutiating pain, so I put it out of my mind.
After the tears dried up the last 5k was simply a whirlwind of emotion. There was no way I was quitting a marathon with only 3 miles to go. Could I finish in the 6 hours alloted to finish? Would I still get a medal if I didn't? How much more time do I have? If I walk at this pace for the last three miles, would that cut it? Why it is that walking is just as painful as running? I walked more than ran, and when I did run it was for a minute or two at the most.
At one point I passed a "ONE MILE TO GO" sign and looked at my watch to see that I had 20 minutes to reach the finish line in under the 6 hour mark. I used to do quite a bit of training on my treadmill, so I know what a 17 mile pace (a 3.5 level) feels like. I tried to make sure that at the very minimum I walked at that same pace, but didn't want to take any chances and somehow during the last mile I was able to run more than I had the 3 or 4 miles prior.
Rounding a corner just before the 26 mile marker there is a large hill. I had heard of this hill in the past, and at this point I believe I had 10 minutes or so to finish. .2 miles in 10 minutes? Gravy. I power-walked the hill because there was no way I could run up it, and at the crest near the top where you make your final turn and can actually SEE the FINISH LINE, I started to run again. From that point on, I ran through the finish line and got an official time of 5:55:04. I DID IT!
It wasn't long before I started crying again. Yes, I was in a pretty good amount of pain - probably a 6 or 7 on a scale to 10 - but mostly I was completely overwhelmed and overcome with the emotion of having had just completed a 26.2 mile race. No, I hadn't trained much for it. And yes, a lot of people gave me flack and questioned if and why I would want to do this to myself. But in the end, every pain, tear, drop of sweat, moment of anguish, grimace, and ache was totally worth it.
So... I sit here now, approximately 31 hours after crossing the finish line, and there are very few parts of my body which I can say are not sore. There are body parts that are sore that I didn't even know I HAD! Yet, the question that I have had asked of me - and that which I have asked myself - is will I ever do it again? Well... knowing that my less-than-stellar time had more to do with my lack of training rather than my abilities, I know that I can do better. So, being the overachiever that I am, I would say that, yes, I probably will do it again. And although I don't have any children of my own, I liken the pain that I am experiencing right now, and the thought of doing this again, to childbirth. I've heard it been said that by the time you're pregnant with your second (or third), that you have forgotten all about the pain of your first and that it is all worth it regardless of the physical stress. I would have to say that at this point, I'm not looking to birth another marathon - but I'm not quite ready to get my tubes tied either.
An electronic journey into the training and event log of an endurance and multi-sport athlete
About Me

- Connie
- Louisville, Kentucky, United States
- After four years of long-distance running (5k, 10k, half-marathons) I got a little burnt out and decided to try my hand at triathlons. This blog is a journey into my training regime, as well as the play-by-play experiences I have had while competing in these amazingly fun events!
Monday, October 12, 2009
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Chicago Marathon
Well, it's 3 days until the Chicago Marathon, which will hopefully be my first FULL marathon - if I can complete it. From previous posts, you can already see that I have trained very little for this event and, quite honestly, haven't ran a lick since the USAF Half Marathon nearly 3 weeks ago.
Here are a couple of things that I feel will keep me going.
1: I am a DETERMINED person. My very first half-marathon, I hurt my foot somehow around mile 7 and, in terrible pain and with tears streaming down my face, I managed to finish the last 6.1 miles. This is not the story of someone who easily gives up.
2: I have a positive mindset. My third half-marathon took place during my second year of graduate school. With a full time job, internship, a house and dog to maintain, and a full case load at school, there was little time left over to train for a 13.1 miler. However, this did not stop me and I succeeded in completing the run with absolutely no prior training that season at all.
3: I have a "plan." Since adopting the run/walk method (6 minute run, one minute walk), I have completed two half marathons and had a course PR and overall PR on each race. I feel better throughout and after the run, and get less fatigued with this method. I also think more about the minutes I have left to run rather than the miles, so taking these "baby steps/goals" seems much more feasible than thinking "26 miles." I CAN DO THIS!
4: I've already told so many people that I'm running this marathon so if I don't complete it, I will look like a total wienie.
5: If for some reason I absolutely, positively, cannot go on and I end up a DNF, then THAT is the worst case scenario. I did not finish. I'm not gonna die, humanity will not end, the wolves won't come out and eat me - I just don't finish! But hey, at least I had the courage to start.
Here are a couple of things that I feel will keep me going.
1: I am a DETERMINED person. My very first half-marathon, I hurt my foot somehow around mile 7 and, in terrible pain and with tears streaming down my face, I managed to finish the last 6.1 miles. This is not the story of someone who easily gives up.
2: I have a positive mindset. My third half-marathon took place during my second year of graduate school. With a full time job, internship, a house and dog to maintain, and a full case load at school, there was little time left over to train for a 13.1 miler. However, this did not stop me and I succeeded in completing the run with absolutely no prior training that season at all.
3: I have a "plan." Since adopting the run/walk method (6 minute run, one minute walk), I have completed two half marathons and had a course PR and overall PR on each race. I feel better throughout and after the run, and get less fatigued with this method. I also think more about the minutes I have left to run rather than the miles, so taking these "baby steps/goals" seems much more feasible than thinking "26 miles." I CAN DO THIS!
4: I've already told so many people that I'm running this marathon so if I don't complete it, I will look like a total wienie.
5: If for some reason I absolutely, positively, cannot go on and I end up a DNF, then THAT is the worst case scenario. I did not finish. I'm not gonna die, humanity will not end, the wolves won't come out and eat me - I just don't finish! But hey, at least I had the courage to start.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
USAF Half-Marathon
It's been one week since my triathlon, and yesterday I completed my eighth half-marathon in Dayton, Oh. The weather was a bit hot, and by the fourth mile I had shed my shirt and was running in only a sports bra, which only barely helped the conditions. I brought along four Gu's which I downed every half-hour or so - by the third and fourth ones I was nearly ready to vomit, but knew that I had to do whatever it took to finish the race.
You see, I signed up for the Chicago Marathon in February 2009. That gave me 9 months to prepare - both physically and mentally - for the race which was to be my first ever full length marathon. Sure, I had run 6 half-marathons by that point, one of which was completed with no training whatsoever. So I thought that with the minimal amount of training possible (have I ever mentioned that while I LOVE participating in these endurance sporting events, I really despise the training portion), I would be able to pull off the full marathon - piece of cake. Well, needless to say, that fantasy came to a halt during the USAF Half-Marathon when, by mile three, I had already decided that if I had to run 23.2 more miles I would surely die.
I thought that what I lacked in physical preparedness, I would and could make up for with my mental state. I figured with some positive self-talk and a cool and catchy mantra I could make it. And well, if I didn't think that I could make it by mile three, then by mile twelve when that last 1.1 dragged on I knew it wasn't going to happen. By that point, if someone had come up to me and said, "congratulations, now do what you just did one more time" then we would have had a homocidal runner on our hands.
So, I finished this half-marathon with a personal best of 2:27:07, and decided that during the next three weeks while waiting for the Chicago trip, I would just focus on being supportive to my boyfriend who will be running his 13th full marathon that weekend. Besides, I'm a bonafide "triathlete" now - and cannot be bothered with the task of merely RUNNING anymore. Anything not involving a swim and a bike, count me out. :)
You see, I signed up for the Chicago Marathon in February 2009. That gave me 9 months to prepare - both physically and mentally - for the race which was to be my first ever full length marathon. Sure, I had run 6 half-marathons by that point, one of which was completed with no training whatsoever. So I thought that with the minimal amount of training possible (have I ever mentioned that while I LOVE participating in these endurance sporting events, I really despise the training portion), I would be able to pull off the full marathon - piece of cake. Well, needless to say, that fantasy came to a halt during the USAF Half-Marathon when, by mile three, I had already decided that if I had to run 23.2 more miles I would surely die.
I thought that what I lacked in physical preparedness, I would and could make up for with my mental state. I figured with some positive self-talk and a cool and catchy mantra I could make it. And well, if I didn't think that I could make it by mile three, then by mile twelve when that last 1.1 dragged on I knew it wasn't going to happen. By that point, if someone had come up to me and said, "congratulations, now do what you just did one more time" then we would have had a homocidal runner on our hands.
So, I finished this half-marathon with a personal best of 2:27:07, and decided that during the next three weeks while waiting for the Chicago trip, I would just focus on being supportive to my boyfriend who will be running his 13th full marathon that weekend. Besides, I'm a bonafide "triathlete" now - and cannot be bothered with the task of merely RUNNING anymore. Anything not involving a swim and a bike, count me out. :)
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Day 48 - TRIATHLON!!
Ahhh. All the hard work has paid off and the day of the triathlon has finally come - and gone.
Had to get up early and get to the tri site by 6:45 a.m. We went inside the Oldham Co. Community Center to get our packets, timing chips, get marked and mentally prepare for the day. Set up our gear in the transition area, and had lots of time to stand around and watch all the other atheletes prepare as well. Our start times weren't until 8:30 a.m. so we watched the first of the triathletes take off in the pool. Surprisingly, it didn't look as if they were swimming very fast, but as I was told in my earlier swim lessons, form will get you further faster - plus, this isn't exactly the Olympics!
Shane (the boyfriend) showed up and I bribed him to take plenty of pictures. Pretty soon we were lining up and before I knew it I was standing at the end of the pool with my tri suit on, swim cap in place, and goggles around my neck. Hopped in the pool, which was only slightly frigid, and simultaneously kicked off the wall and hit the timer on my stopwatch. I was off!
Now, since in every one of my practice rounds of this 400m swim I could never get the full length without doing a little backstroke every now and then, imagine my surprise when I made the entire swim doing freestyle with a minimal amount of breaststroke. It felt great, and at no time did I feel winded or too tired to make it. Twelve minutes after my first stroke, I was pulling myself up out of the pool.
Surprisingly, I ran pretty adamantly to T1 to dry off my feet, lace up my shoes, put on my helmet and sunglasses, and I was off again. Transitioning from swimming to the bike was fairly easy, but the big burden was yet to come. This was an extremely hilly course throughout with an eight mile out-and-back which lent very little breaks. It seems that every time I got down one hill or around a corner, another hill was staring me right in the face. I didn't think to check the stopwatch when getting on the bike, but according to the computer on my handlebars I completed the miles in 40 minutes. I probably could've saved a mere 10 seconds or so if I hadn't missed the turn to the finish line and been forced to do a quick turnaround - but overall it was a good ride. Even if my glutes and hamstrings were barking afterwards.
On to T2 and all I had to do was slip off my helmet, don my hat, and take in a quick Gu and some water. My watch told me that I crossed the start line for the run at 52:23. Now, they had told me that this was a cross country run and, knowing only that meant that we would be running on a grassy trail, I didn't anticipate the uneven ground and - oh jeez - are those MORE hills? Through the grass, over a stream, onto some gravel, and back through the hills to the finish line I go. At mile one (of the 1.86 total mile run) I was a little disturbed to see that it had apparently taken me sixteen minutes to run that distance. This only made me pick it up a bit during the last leg, and I cross the finish line in an unofficial 1:15. Yeah me!
Felt great afterwards, and a nice big brunch at Cracker Barrell just topped it off! A few things I will have to remember for next time around: Invest in the cycling shoes and clips. My tennis shoes got wet in transition and my feet kept slipping off the pedals. Consider a silicone swim cap which will actually keep my hair DRY - not just out of my face. And definitely bring a change of clothes for afterwards. Although the tri suit serves it's purpose for the race, a wet, constricting one-piece isn't ideal for standing around and celebrating.
Until next time...
Had to get up early and get to the tri site by 6:45 a.m. We went inside the Oldham Co. Community Center to get our packets, timing chips, get marked and mentally prepare for the day. Set up our gear in the transition area, and had lots of time to stand around and watch all the other atheletes prepare as well. Our start times weren't until 8:30 a.m. so we watched the first of the triathletes take off in the pool. Surprisingly, it didn't look as if they were swimming very fast, but as I was told in my earlier swim lessons, form will get you further faster - plus, this isn't exactly the Olympics!
Shane (the boyfriend) showed up and I bribed him to take plenty of pictures. Pretty soon we were lining up and before I knew it I was standing at the end of the pool with my tri suit on, swim cap in place, and goggles around my neck. Hopped in the pool, which was only slightly frigid, and simultaneously kicked off the wall and hit the timer on my stopwatch. I was off!
Now, since in every one of my practice rounds of this 400m swim I could never get the full length without doing a little backstroke every now and then, imagine my surprise when I made the entire swim doing freestyle with a minimal amount of breaststroke. It felt great, and at no time did I feel winded or too tired to make it. Twelve minutes after my first stroke, I was pulling myself up out of the pool.
Surprisingly, I ran pretty adamantly to T1 to dry off my feet, lace up my shoes, put on my helmet and sunglasses, and I was off again. Transitioning from swimming to the bike was fairly easy, but the big burden was yet to come. This was an extremely hilly course throughout with an eight mile out-and-back which lent very little breaks. It seems that every time I got down one hill or around a corner, another hill was staring me right in the face. I didn't think to check the stopwatch when getting on the bike, but according to the computer on my handlebars I completed the miles in 40 minutes. I probably could've saved a mere 10 seconds or so if I hadn't missed the turn to the finish line and been forced to do a quick turnaround - but overall it was a good ride. Even if my glutes and hamstrings were barking afterwards.
On to T2 and all I had to do was slip off my helmet, don my hat, and take in a quick Gu and some water. My watch told me that I crossed the start line for the run at 52:23. Now, they had told me that this was a cross country run and, knowing only that meant that we would be running on a grassy trail, I didn't anticipate the uneven ground and - oh jeez - are those MORE hills? Through the grass, over a stream, onto some gravel, and back through the hills to the finish line I go. At mile one (of the 1.86 total mile run) I was a little disturbed to see that it had apparently taken me sixteen minutes to run that distance. This only made me pick it up a bit during the last leg, and I cross the finish line in an unofficial 1:15. Yeah me!
Felt great afterwards, and a nice big brunch at Cracker Barrell just topped it off! A few things I will have to remember for next time around: Invest in the cycling shoes and clips. My tennis shoes got wet in transition and my feet kept slipping off the pedals. Consider a silicone swim cap which will actually keep my hair DRY - not just out of my face. And definitely bring a change of clothes for afterwards. Although the tri suit serves it's purpose for the race, a wet, constricting one-piece isn't ideal for standing around and celebrating.
Until next time...
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Day 45
Well - did a trial run of the triathlon tonight and I feel very confident that Saturday is going to be so much fun and totally do-able.
Started off with the 400 meter swim which was somewhat exhausting. Quickly got out of the pool to transition and get on the bike as fast as we could, and did a full 8 mile bike ride which is what the tri is. Transitioned from there again to the run, which felt REALLY weird for the first mile or so - almost like lead and I'm sure we looked totally funny running. Did a 1.8 mile run which is just under what the actual tri run will be - all of this in around 1:10. I'm feeling great!
Thought it was going to be at least an hour and a half, but apparently not. Still, with 199 other people participating, things may get a little hairy in the water and also on the bike ride, so it may hamper our time. Also, wore the trisuit for the first time to get a feel for what the actual tri will feel like. Fits good, feels good, and can't forsee any problems with it. Woo Hoo!!! Now time to relax and take a breather for the next two days until GAME TIME!!!!
Started off with the 400 meter swim which was somewhat exhausting. Quickly got out of the pool to transition and get on the bike as fast as we could, and did a full 8 mile bike ride which is what the tri is. Transitioned from there again to the run, which felt REALLY weird for the first mile or so - almost like lead and I'm sure we looked totally funny running. Did a 1.8 mile run which is just under what the actual tri run will be - all of this in around 1:10. I'm feeling great!
Thought it was going to be at least an hour and a half, but apparently not. Still, with 199 other people participating, things may get a little hairy in the water and also on the bike ride, so it may hamper our time. Also, wore the trisuit for the first time to get a feel for what the actual tri will feel like. Fits good, feels good, and can't forsee any problems with it. Woo Hoo!!! Now time to relax and take a breather for the next two days until GAME TIME!!!!
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Day 44
Went on a 16 mile bike ride yesterday, after a one week haitus from all types of exercise - unfortunately by choice since I just didn't have the motivation to do much of anything for the past 8 days. Felt pretty good, did a lot of hills, and felt pretty worn out by the end of the day.
The pool opened back up today, and my tri-partner and I are going to do a practice run tomorrow with all three events. Not sure how far we'll go, but am certain that I'll do atleast the 400m swim if not more since it's been about 3 weeks since I last swam. Going to do everything with my trisuit on to get a good feel for it and get used to biking all wet - should be nice and comfortable.
Yawnnnn. Tired now, gonna hit the hay and prepare for tomorrow - and Saturday! Just 4 more days now!
The pool opened back up today, and my tri-partner and I are going to do a practice run tomorrow with all three events. Not sure how far we'll go, but am certain that I'll do atleast the 400m swim if not more since it's been about 3 weeks since I last swam. Going to do everything with my trisuit on to get a good feel for it and get used to biking all wet - should be nice and comfortable.
Yawnnnn. Tired now, gonna hit the hay and prepare for tomorrow - and Saturday! Just 4 more days now!
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Day 41
Computer got a virus and haven't been able to post anything for the past week - not that there has been much to post. Went for a 3.5 mile run last Monday and the shins felt great. Since then, haven't done jack-smack. Supposed to get up this morning for a 10 mile run, but slept horribly so that didn't happen. On-call for work all weekend (36 hours straight) which tends to put a huge damper on things. Looking forward to Labor Day, finally getting a break, and doing either a bike or run.
Got some information in the mail about the triathlon - just one week away!! So excited. Went out and got some new running shorts, a few biking jersey's, sunglasses and a swim cap. So ready for this!
Got some information in the mail about the triathlon - just one week away!! So excited. Went out and got some new running shorts, a few biking jersey's, sunglasses and a swim cap. So ready for this!
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Day 34
Had a great 17.1 mile bike ride this morning - trying to add two miles every time I go out and work my way up to 50. Thinking about doing a minimum of 15 during the week, and the long rides on the weekends.
Going to try a short run sometime tomorrow to try out the shins. They've been feeling better while walking, but still a little sore to the touch. Still taking the anti-inflamatory and doing the stretches/exercises, but actually running is what will determine where I really am in the healing process.
The Ironman competition is being held here in Louisville tomorrow, and I'm thinking about getting up early to go watch the start and at least the first transition from the swim to the bike. After that, it'll probably be at least 3-4 hours before the athletes are back in town to transition for the run. Kinda excited about seeing this since my tri (albeit MUCH smaller than an Ironman) is in two short weeks!
Going to try a short run sometime tomorrow to try out the shins. They've been feeling better while walking, but still a little sore to the touch. Still taking the anti-inflamatory and doing the stretches/exercises, but actually running is what will determine where I really am in the healing process.
The Ironman competition is being held here in Louisville tomorrow, and I'm thinking about getting up early to go watch the start and at least the first transition from the swim to the bike. After that, it'll probably be at least 3-4 hours before the athletes are back in town to transition for the run. Kinda excited about seeing this since my tri (albeit MUCH smaller than an Ironman) is in two short weeks!
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Day 31
Went to the physical therapist yesterday and the shin feels better already. Slapped on some hydrocordizone and rubbed it in with an ultrasound wand. Then did some stretches and some massage (which hurt like heck), but hey - if it works... Also picked up my prescribed anti-inflammatory.
The therapist says I need to come twice a week for the next four weeks (less if I feel better), and that I can even try a short run on Sunday (4 days from now) to see how it feels. I have to do the massage at least once a day (which honestly, I think helps the most), and some stretches along with some exercises to build my hip muscles. Also told I need to go to a specialty store to get fitted for proper running shoes just to make sure.
I'm stoked, because she also told me that running in the Chicago marathon is "not impossible." Of course, taking some time off when I'm supposed to be building my miles isn't ideal. I'm happy with the news though, and am doing everything I can to make it happen. Who knows, maybe I won't have to walk the tri and half-marathon after all.
Did a 13.2 mile bike ride yesterday. Still struggling up the hills for some reason, no matter which gear I'm in. My riding partner still kicks my butt on those. Feeling good and strong, can't wait for the pool to open back up. Overall, feeling great and actually can't believe the shin is feeling better after just one visit with the PT. Next appointment is five days from now.
The therapist says I need to come twice a week for the next four weeks (less if I feel better), and that I can even try a short run on Sunday (4 days from now) to see how it feels. I have to do the massage at least once a day (which honestly, I think helps the most), and some stretches along with some exercises to build my hip muscles. Also told I need to go to a specialty store to get fitted for proper running shoes just to make sure.
I'm stoked, because she also told me that running in the Chicago marathon is "not impossible." Of course, taking some time off when I'm supposed to be building my miles isn't ideal. I'm happy with the news though, and am doing everything I can to make it happen. Who knows, maybe I won't have to walk the tri and half-marathon after all.
Did a 13.2 mile bike ride yesterday. Still struggling up the hills for some reason, no matter which gear I'm in. My riding partner still kicks my butt on those. Feeling good and strong, can't wait for the pool to open back up. Overall, feeling great and actually can't believe the shin is feeling better after just one visit with the PT. Next appointment is five days from now.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Day 30
Went to my PCP yesterday, and it's definitely shin splints. Gave me an anti-inflammatory, told me to apply heat and/or ice, and then gave a referral to a physical therapist whom I have an appointment with this morning. I am praying that they will be able to do something for me so that I can get back on my feet (literally) and train and complete Chicago.
I've resigned to the fact that I may have to walk the 3k in the triathlon, and even maybe the half marathon in Dayton. I'm fine with this, as long as I'm able to compete in Chicago - this is my only hope at this point. It's a little over a month and a half away, so we'll see....
Did 11 miles on the bike last night in 48 minutes. Had a nice ride, the weather was great, and I went out by myself - I actually found it very relaxing to ride by myself. Gives me a lot of time to think about things and just enjoy my surroundings. Hoping to pump up the biking to maybe 20 miles during the week, and longer on the weekends. May have to invest in a new saddle though. Toosh doesn't hurt so much while riding, but after yesterday's 11 I know it'll be painful to get back on today (ouch!).
Even though I may have to walk the "running" portion, I'm feeling good about the biking, and even the swimming, even though I haven't been in the pool for almost a month. It opens again in about 2 weeks, which will give me a week to get in and continue to train before the tri. Man, I'm getting pretty pumped!
I've resigned to the fact that I may have to walk the 3k in the triathlon, and even maybe the half marathon in Dayton. I'm fine with this, as long as I'm able to compete in Chicago - this is my only hope at this point. It's a little over a month and a half away, so we'll see....
Did 11 miles on the bike last night in 48 minutes. Had a nice ride, the weather was great, and I went out by myself - I actually found it very relaxing to ride by myself. Gives me a lot of time to think about things and just enjoy my surroundings. Hoping to pump up the biking to maybe 20 miles during the week, and longer on the weekends. May have to invest in a new saddle though. Toosh doesn't hurt so much while riding, but after yesterday's 11 I know it'll be painful to get back on today (ouch!).
Even though I may have to walk the "running" portion, I'm feeling good about the biking, and even the swimming, even though I haven't been in the pool for almost a month. It opens again in about 2 weeks, which will give me a week to get in and continue to train before the tri. Man, I'm getting pretty pumped!
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Day 27
Did a fifteen and a half mile bike ride this morning and feeling good about it. Went to the bike shop afterwards and loaded up on some gear - a rearview mirror, computer to track my mileage, light for the back, and a couple of water cages and bottles. Also found out that my tires were apparently way low - supposed to have 120 (pounds of pressure?) but only had about 80. O0ps. Still need to get a bike pump, which I went off and forgot.
Shin still buggin' me, and the rest of the running group (marathon/half runners - no triathletes) are doing well in their training. Just wish I could join them. Pool still closed for two more weeks, but at least I can cross train with the biking and get SOME cardio in. Weather is supposed to be great this week, and I am hoping my motivation is better than the past few days!
Shin still buggin' me, and the rest of the running group (marathon/half runners - no triathletes) are doing well in their training. Just wish I could join them. Pool still closed for two more weeks, but at least I can cross train with the biking and get SOME cardio in. Weather is supposed to be great this week, and I am hoping my motivation is better than the past few days!
Friday, August 21, 2009
Day 26
Ugh - haven't worked out or trained in 4 days. I feel like such a bum, but haven't had the motivation all week long. Looking forward to a long run tomorrow morning with Alicia - maybe a 12 miler or so.
My shin is still giving me fits, and I am really hoping that by next weekend it's better because I can't afford to skip too many more days as far as the running goes. Triathlon in approximately 3 weeks, the half-marathon a week after that. It's just so darn debilitating - and I was on a roll with my 12 and then 9 miler. We'll see what happens in the next 5-6 days.
My shin is still giving me fits, and I am really hoping that by next weekend it's better because I can't afford to skip too many more days as far as the running goes. Triathlon in approximately 3 weeks, the half-marathon a week after that. It's just so darn debilitating - and I was on a roll with my 12 and then 9 miler. We'll see what happens in the next 5-6 days.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Day 22
Attempted to run this morning, but didn't get halfway down the block before I was in pain - not only discomfort, but pain - in my left leg. Got frustrated, turned back, and ended up with a short 6.5 mile bike ride instead before work. Still not sure if it is merely a shin splint, or something more. May end up going to the doctor next week if this keeps up, and may end up bowing out of this Saturday's run and hope that it heals quickly enough for me to be okay for the triathlon and USAF Half-Marathon.
Ride felt great - some jerk told me to get on the sidewalk. People really should be more accepting of those of us looking to improve our health and lifestyle through athletics. Oh well - it's now the end of my day and I feel great that I accomplished something besides just work. Today was the first day that I worked out before working my 10-6 shift - think I'm going to enjoy being able to get my training/working out out of the way before heading to the job. I'm so tired at the end of the day otherwise - no motivation to do anything.
Ride felt great - some jerk told me to get on the sidewalk. People really should be more accepting of those of us looking to improve our health and lifestyle through athletics. Oh well - it's now the end of my day and I feel great that I accomplished something besides just work. Today was the first day that I worked out before working my 10-6 shift - think I'm going to enjoy being able to get my training/working out out of the way before heading to the job. I'm so tired at the end of the day otherwise - no motivation to do anything.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Day 21
Was slated for a 14 mile run yesterday, but ended up with just over 9. Thought I might've had a shin splint in my left leg, but now I'm not so sure - could be something more. Either way, I'm really hoping that it doesn't hamper my training for Chicago.
I'm feeling good about Dayton, and am thinking that with this cross training for the triathlon I'll make pretty good time - maybe even a PR.
The run yesterday was actually pretty good, and I felt great in all other areas - cardio, breathing, mentally - except for the leg. Still bothering me some today, a little sore and I should probably take some Ibuprofen and ice it, but I'm a slacker when it comes to that stuff - we'll see.
Would love to get on the bike today, and still might, but I'm on-call for work and can never truly relax and enjoy myself since I tend to get anxious about getting a call. Maybe later this evening - haven't been on it for five days.
I'm feeling good about Dayton, and am thinking that with this cross training for the triathlon I'll make pretty good time - maybe even a PR.
The run yesterday was actually pretty good, and I felt great in all other areas - cardio, breathing, mentally - except for the leg. Still bothering me some today, a little sore and I should probably take some Ibuprofen and ice it, but I'm a slacker when it comes to that stuff - we'll see.
Would love to get on the bike today, and still might, but I'm on-call for work and can never truly relax and enjoy myself since I tend to get anxious about getting a call. Maybe later this evening - haven't been on it for five days.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Day 18
Feeling really worn out tonight. Body is a little sore from the swim/bike last night, and my left shin is STILL killin' me. The route for Saturday's 14 miler came out today, and I'm not sure I can complete even FOUR miles, let alone 14. Slept horribly last night, even after popping a Simply Sleep. Still wondering if that's from the evening workouts or stress.
Went to my 10-6 shift today, so hopefully I can work out in the morning and that will help with the sleeping problems at night. Sure hope so. The pool is going to be closed for three weeks though - of course, right in the middle of my training! Oh well, I still have the outdoor pool and my bike and running shoes. Feeling really good about this triathlon.
Went to my 10-6 shift today, so hopefully I can work out in the morning and that will help with the sleeping problems at night. Sure hope so. The pool is going to be closed for three weeks though - of course, right in the middle of my training! Oh well, I still have the outdoor pool and my bike and running shoes. Feeling really good about this triathlon.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Day 17
First day of working out/training since my 12 mile run on Saturday. Did a 45 minute swim at the pool, and timed my 400m which came out to just over 13 minutes - a whole minute less than the last time I timed myself. Also did an hour bike ride which was about 6 1/2 miles or so. First time out on the road bike and although I do love it, it's still a struggle to get up the hills - even in the lowest gears. Just like my 12 mile run though, I feel exhausted this evening and feel great about the workout.
This Saturday's run, which is only 3 days away, is supposed to be a 14 miler but I'm a little leary. The area just to the right of my left shin is killin me. Very sore while walking and also to the touch. I've been trying to stretch it out, but don't think it's the muscle. Possibly a shin splint? Not sure, but I was actually looking forward to the 14 mile run - which will be the longest I have EVER run, race or no race. I have a few more days to see how it feels and will probably decide for sure on Friday evening if I'll run or not.
Still feeling good about my training. I need to get some accessories for my bike, but other than that the gear I've been using for my runs is good, as well as swim (sans swim cap). Sent in my registration for the triathlon so there is no looking back now. Also booked the hotel in Dayton for the USAF Half-Marathon which is the weekend after my tri. Looking so forward to both of these events, and with my 12 miler coming in just at 2 hours, feel that I might have a PR on my hands in Dayton!
This Saturday's run, which is only 3 days away, is supposed to be a 14 miler but I'm a little leary. The area just to the right of my left shin is killin me. Very sore while walking and also to the touch. I've been trying to stretch it out, but don't think it's the muscle. Possibly a shin splint? Not sure, but I was actually looking forward to the 14 mile run - which will be the longest I have EVER run, race or no race. I have a few more days to see how it feels and will probably decide for sure on Friday evening if I'll run or not.
Still feeling good about my training. I need to get some accessories for my bike, but other than that the gear I've been using for my runs is good, as well as swim (sans swim cap). Sent in my registration for the triathlon so there is no looking back now. Also booked the hotel in Dayton for the USAF Half-Marathon which is the weekend after my tri. Looking so forward to both of these events, and with my 12 miler coming in just at 2 hours, feel that I might have a PR on my hands in Dayton!
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Day 16
Rain for the past two days and haven't done much training - indoor, or out. Shins are really bothering me from Saturday's 12-miler, but just sent out an email to Nikki (new running partner) about doing a 14-miler this Saturday. Plan on possibly going to the pool and biking sometime over the next two days (hopefully both). Feeling pretty good, kinda tired lately, but overall felt great about the 12-miler which was done in 2 hours - a record pace for a half/marathon. Hoping I can keep that up and get a PR in Dayton for the USAF HalfMarathon in September.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Day 14
Legs are definitely stiff and sore today, but I've felt worse. Trying to get up and move around as much as possible, but it's also a sweltering 95 degrees outside so I'm trying to spend as much time indoors too. Way too hot to do anything of any physical value. If I get the urge, may get on a treadmill for a walk later just to loosen up a bit. Need to mow the lawn, but no way I'm doing it in this heat!
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Day 13
Had planned on a 10 miler this morning, but ended up being almost a 12 - feeling pretty good. Found a running partner who is my speed, and also enjoys the interval running, so this may work out well. Chicago will also be her first Marathon, so all the better! Now off to a lake party where I can hopefully get in some meters and experience an open-water swim. Usually wouldn't do this much in one day, but knowing that I'm on-call tomorrow and won't be doing much of anything is pretty good motivation. Looking forward to a possible bike ride with Alicia on Monday - weather pending!
Friday, August 7, 2009
Day 12
Picked up my bike today and I absolutely love it! Can't wait to accessorize it - computer, clipless pedals/shoes, gloves, repair kit, etc. It is so light, I can't believe it! Alicia and I are planning to ride on Monday if it doesn't rain - looking so forward to it.
Confirmed with my (hopefully) new running partner that we're meeting at 6 a.m. tomorrow for a 10-miler. Never really look forward to running, and even less to early mornings, but I know I need to do this in order to actually finish the Chicago Marathon. Apparently, she is just as slow as I am so this will be good :) Hopefully I'll have enough energy for a swim in the lake tomorrow as well - been over a week since I've done any laps.
Mailing off my registration for the triathlon tomorrow - no turning back after that! Not that I would even want to. Will post tomorrow after my run.
Confirmed with my (hopefully) new running partner that we're meeting at 6 a.m. tomorrow for a 10-miler. Never really look forward to running, and even less to early mornings, but I know I need to do this in order to actually finish the Chicago Marathon. Apparently, she is just as slow as I am so this will be good :) Hopefully I'll have enough energy for a swim in the lake tomorrow as well - been over a week since I've done any laps.
Mailing off my registration for the triathlon tomorrow - no turning back after that! Not that I would even want to. Will post tomorrow after my run.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Day 11
Didn't get to sleep until well after 1:00 a.m. which seems to be a common theme lately. Planned on riding and swimming today, but am really tired and my shins are still somewhat sore. Getting the bike tomorrow and figure there is no way I can NOT ride after getting it, so since I know I will be getting a ride in I don't feel so bad taking the day off.
Need to call my hopefully-new running partner to set up a definite plan for us getting together and running this weekend. The plan is to do a 10-mile run, and then fit in at least a 400m swim at an annual lake party that I always attend. We'll see how this goes. Regardless, I'm so excited to be getting my new bike tomorrow and can't wait to try it out!
Need to call my hopefully-new running partner to set up a definite plan for us getting together and running this weekend. The plan is to do a 10-mile run, and then fit in at least a 400m swim at an annual lake party that I always attend. We'll see how this goes. Regardless, I'm so excited to be getting my new bike tomorrow and can't wait to try it out!
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Day 10
On my third day in a row working out, and feeling pretty good. I was out sick from work yesterday with a fever, but after spending all day lying around I was going stir crazy from not doing ANYTHING and figured I would jump on the treadmill at the end of the day since 1) my fever broke and I was feeling somewhat better, and 2) sitting on the couch alternating between the computer, reading, and watching TV can only last so long.
I planned on merely walking since I didn't want to push myself, and ended up doing another 3-miler at a slightly slower pace than Monday. Felt pretty good afterwards, but today my shins are a little sore. I NEED to start stretching more, but it's boring and I lose interest easy so I usually forgo it.
Today I rode the bike to have dinner with friends. It was only 6 1/2 miles round trip, but it was still a form of excercise and I always feel great after a ride. Still, legs are a little sore, but I can visibly see that they're getting more toned which is good. Plan on riding again tomorrow - probably at least 10 or so, and doing 800m at the pool. Feeling great about this training, and have even printed out a schedule to follow. I'm a geek when it comes to creating spreadsheets, and if I have a box that I can check off with the amount of miles/meters that I cover in training, I feel a sense of accomplishment.
The bad thing about these workouts after getting home in the early evening, is that I'm having so much trouble falling asleep lately. For instance, I got home around 8:45 p.m. from the bike ride this evening, read for a bit and then turned off the light at 10:00. It's now 12:18 a.m. and I'm STILL up and not tired a lick. Hoping this all changes next week when I begin my 10-6 shift and can work out before going in. This should help. Hopefully.
I planned on merely walking since I didn't want to push myself, and ended up doing another 3-miler at a slightly slower pace than Monday. Felt pretty good afterwards, but today my shins are a little sore. I NEED to start stretching more, but it's boring and I lose interest easy so I usually forgo it.
Today I rode the bike to have dinner with friends. It was only 6 1/2 miles round trip, but it was still a form of excercise and I always feel great after a ride. Still, legs are a little sore, but I can visibly see that they're getting more toned which is good. Plan on riding again tomorrow - probably at least 10 or so, and doing 800m at the pool. Feeling great about this training, and have even printed out a schedule to follow. I'm a geek when it comes to creating spreadsheets, and if I have a box that I can check off with the amount of miles/meters that I cover in training, I feel a sense of accomplishment.
The bad thing about these workouts after getting home in the early evening, is that I'm having so much trouble falling asleep lately. For instance, I got home around 8:45 p.m. from the bike ride this evening, read for a bit and then turned off the light at 10:00. It's now 12:18 a.m. and I'm STILL up and not tired a lick. Hoping this all changes next week when I begin my 10-6 shift and can work out before going in. This should help. Hopefully.
Monday, August 3, 2009
Day 8
Ran 3 mile this morning and feeling pretty good about it. Hoping to do the same tomorrow.
A running group founder is trying to hook me and another member up to train for Chicago together since we both run about the same pace and are on the same training schedule. Here's hoping it works out, as I have been slacking in the marathon-training department lately.
Put a deposit down on a road bike two days ago, and am picking it up in 4. Got a Trek 2.1 WSD which rides great! I absolutely love it and am looking forward to riding soon!
Training going good so far, don't feel like I'm slacking overall. Need to pick up the running and swimming this week.
A running group founder is trying to hook me and another member up to train for Chicago together since we both run about the same pace and are on the same training schedule. Here's hoping it works out, as I have been slacking in the marathon-training department lately.
Put a deposit down on a road bike two days ago, and am picking it up in 4. Got a Trek 2.1 WSD which rides great! I absolutely love it and am looking forward to riding soon!
Training going good so far, don't feel like I'm slacking overall. Need to pick up the running and swimming this week.
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Day 6
After a 3 day haitus from working out, I'm back into the swing of things today. I ran a five miler this morning (although was scheduled for a 13, and hoped for a 10). Sleep was my enemy and by the time I got outside at 9:00 a.m. it was hella-hot and didn't do much for my motivation.
Going again today to look at/price/test drive different bikes with Alicia (tri-partner). Only 6 more days 'til purchase time! After that, I plan to take a short (shorter than I'd hoped, or expected) bike ride to the pool for some laps.
Good news is - before heading out for a run this morning (and while my boyfriend was coming in from his own 17-mile run), he made the comment that I'm "looking more toned." I hadn't thought so, but obviously somethings gotta be happening to my body if I'm doing all of this working out which I had never done before.
Feeling just okay about my run this morning. I KNOW I need to get up earlier and just do it (run itself, and run more MILES), but my mindset at this point is more focused on getting my swim form down as well as building up my legs for the bike ride. Good thing though is that with the five miler came a heck of a whole lot more calories burned than I would ever get biking or swimming. I guess it does have it's perks after all.
Going again today to look at/price/test drive different bikes with Alicia (tri-partner). Only 6 more days 'til purchase time! After that, I plan to take a short (shorter than I'd hoped, or expected) bike ride to the pool for some laps.
Good news is - before heading out for a run this morning (and while my boyfriend was coming in from his own 17-mile run), he made the comment that I'm "looking more toned." I hadn't thought so, but obviously somethings gotta be happening to my body if I'm doing all of this working out which I had never done before.
Feeling just okay about my run this morning. I KNOW I need to get up earlier and just do it (run itself, and run more MILES), but my mindset at this point is more focused on getting my swim form down as well as building up my legs for the bike ride. Good thing though is that with the five miler came a heck of a whole lot more calories burned than I would ever get biking or swimming. I guess it does have it's perks after all.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Day 4
Completely unmotivated today. Need to pick up the running - not so much for the tri, but definitely for the half and full marathon's coming up. Planned to run tonight, but thinking of nixing that idea to hit the bed early and wake up tomorrow for the run. Then again.... I have at least a 10 miler scheduled for Saturday (day 6) with the running group, so may hold out for that . We'll see. A little sore from the bike/swim yesterday, but overall feel pretty good. Wish this weather would cooperate - but rainy and muggy lately.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Day 3
The leisurely bicycle ride and swim lessons went better than expected yesterday. We did the short-route which is only a 6-miler with no hills, but we did some endurance training in the pool and my body is feeling it today. Definitely tired today - never seem to sleep well when I work out at night, which I KNOW not to do, but swim lessons end at 8pm so it's a little hard to avoid that now. Luckily our last lesson is tomorrow, and my work hours will change to 10-6 when school starts, so I'll be able to get my workouts done in the morning instead.
Felt great last night, which I knew I would after I got going. Think I'll take the night off tonight however - have the bike, swim tomorrow, then a 10-mile run on Saturday. Ugh.
Felt great last night, which I knew I would after I got going. Think I'll take the night off tonight however - have the bike, swim tomorrow, then a 10-mile run on Saturday. Ugh.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Day Two - ZZZZZzzzzzz
So after my first day of training - doing the bike and swim in the afternoon, and then the 3 mile run at 9:30 p.m., I had a really hard time sleeping last night. Might've been the adrenaline pumping through my veins when I finally layed down at 11:30. Needless to say, I think I got about 5 hours of not-so-great sleep, and am not looking forward to swim lessons this evening. Not to mention, it's raining and muggy out and the last thing I want to do is put on a bikini and drive or bike to the swimming facility. This is a perfect example of the entries into my boyfriend's "excuses why Connie can't run/train for the marathon" book that he's been collecting.
You see, I have a slight motivation problem. I WANT to participate in all these events (half-marathons, marathons, triathlons, etc.) but my lack of wanting to actually train is what gets me in trouble. I don't understand why, when 9 times out of 10 when I'm doing the training or even after finishing, I feel great about it! I even think to myself "Man, I need to do this more often, it feels awesome!" Less than 24 hours later however, when another training event is on the schedule, I think of every excuse known to woman-kind in order to avoid it. "It's too early, too late, too hot, too cold, raining, snowing, I don't have my ipod, I didn't bring my running clothes, I have gas." You get the picture.
Seeing as how Alicia, my triathlon partner, is on her way over as I type this, and the boyfriend will be pulling in any minute, I guess my want to avoid a guilt trip from either party is enough to just get me out the door. Whatever works! Not sure what they have in store as far as the lesson tonight, but my goal is to swim at least 200m if we get there early enough.
You see, I have a slight motivation problem. I WANT to participate in all these events (half-marathons, marathons, triathlons, etc.) but my lack of wanting to actually train is what gets me in trouble. I don't understand why, when 9 times out of 10 when I'm doing the training or even after finishing, I feel great about it! I even think to myself "Man, I need to do this more often, it feels awesome!" Less than 24 hours later however, when another training event is on the schedule, I think of every excuse known to woman-kind in order to avoid it. "It's too early, too late, too hot, too cold, raining, snowing, I don't have my ipod, I didn't bring my running clothes, I have gas." You get the picture.
Seeing as how Alicia, my triathlon partner, is on her way over as I type this, and the boyfriend will be pulling in any minute, I guess my want to avoid a guilt trip from either party is enough to just get me out the door. Whatever works! Not sure what they have in store as far as the lesson tonight, but my goal is to swim at least 200m if we get there early enough.
Monday, July 27, 2009
First day of triathlon training!
Since I am still on vacation from last weeks trip to Chicago, and it's the first day of a brand new week, I thought what better way to spend it than to actually start my triathlon training! I went to a bike store to check out road bikes (pricing, size, etc) and am 99% sure of the one I am getting - a 2009 Gary Fisher ARC Super GS. Yeah, I know, this information meant NOTHING to me either as of 10:00 this morning, but after spending an hour with the guy at the store, and many more hours researching this brand on the internet at home, I've found that this is a good brand, with a good reputation (it comes under the same umbrella as Trek which, if you know bikes, you know Trek), so I feel pretty confident about this upcoming purchase.
Afterwards, I got on my $250 Costco-bought Schwinn Hybrid which, no offense to Schwinn, was a little like going to McDonalds for an apple pie dessert after just having eaten an expensive steak dinner. The difference between the GF road bike and the Schwinn is unparallel - just unbelievable.
After my 4.5 mile bike ride to the swimming pool, I swam my first non-stop 400m swim in 16:13, took a little break to work on my freestyle form, then gave the 400m another go and came out with a 14:08 time - not bad. This at least gives me a baseline to work from so I know what I need to improve on. It also proves that I WILL be able to actually swim 400m during the actual triathlon without dying!
I got back on the bike for the 4.5 mile trip home and am feeling pretty good about my workout for the day. However, 6 hours later, the fact that I am scheduled to do a 3 mile run tonight is slowly creeping up on me. After my dinner of penne pasta with green tea I'll hop on the treadmill to knock that one out as my marathon training runs concurrently with my triathlon training - something that I've also been procrastinating on.
Afterwards, I got on my $250 Costco-bought Schwinn Hybrid which, no offense to Schwinn, was a little like going to McDonalds for an apple pie dessert after just having eaten an expensive steak dinner. The difference between the GF road bike and the Schwinn is unparallel - just unbelievable.
After my 4.5 mile bike ride to the swimming pool, I swam my first non-stop 400m swim in 16:13, took a little break to work on my freestyle form, then gave the 400m another go and came out with a 14:08 time - not bad. This at least gives me a baseline to work from so I know what I need to improve on. It also proves that I WILL be able to actually swim 400m during the actual triathlon without dying!
I got back on the bike for the 4.5 mile trip home and am feeling pretty good about my workout for the day. However, 6 hours later, the fact that I am scheduled to do a 3 mile run tonight is slowly creeping up on me. After my dinner of penne pasta with green tea I'll hop on the treadmill to knock that one out as my marathon training runs concurrently with my triathlon training - something that I've also been procrastinating on.
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