About Me

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Louisville, Kentucky, United States
After four years of long-distance running (5k, 10k, half-marathons) I got a little burnt out and decided to try my hand at triathlons. This blog is a journey into my training regime, as well as the play-by-play experiences I have had while competing in these amazingly fun events!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

A Busy Fall

Just realized I only have four more weeks 'til my next half-marathon, and a mere 10 weeks 'til the next full - ugh! Allergies kicked my butt this morning, and I bowed out of the 10-miler we had scheduled as a training run. I'm trying to figure out the training schedule for the marathon, but the half, two 10k's and a trip to Disney World is sorely hampering my abilities to schedule appropriately length training runs.

I've been hella-unmotivated for the past few months or so - since finishing the San Francisco Marathon. True, I just had another sprint-length tri last week, but that doesn't necessarily mean I appropriately trained for it. I have to try to figure out something to get me back in the game - back on my toes and out there training. The weather is starting to get cooler, so there should be absolutely no excuses for not running and biking out there. Guess I'll have to break out the old Excel spreadsheet and put some numbers together. Funny, I love to PREPARE and PLAN for the training, it's the actual ACTION part of training that creates a snafu. Sigh...

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