An electronic journey into the training and event log of an endurance and multi-sport athlete
About Me

- Connie
- Louisville, Kentucky, United States
- After four years of long-distance running (5k, 10k, half-marathons) I got a little burnt out and decided to try my hand at triathlons. This blog is a journey into my training regime, as well as the play-by-play experiences I have had while competing in these amazingly fun events!
Sunday, April 5, 2015
Longest Bike Ride Of The Season
I had planned on a bike ride today, and although my longest ride of the past three years was only 20 miles, I agreed to a 26-miler in order to push myself a bit and build up to Muncie and ultimately IMLOU. Since I had just completed the PJ 10-mile run yesterday I was looking forward to what I was told was a "nice and easy" ride. It was a gorgeous day to start, and the ride required only a pair of bike shorts, wicking shirt and windbreaker. Me and a crew of 5 others met up at the Big 4 Bridge at noon for an out-and-back into Indiana on a flat course. 3-4 miles in it was clear that this crews idea of a "nice and easy" ride was vastly different than mine. Looking down to see my 15-17 mph speed wasn't enough to keep up with their, what I can only guess, was 20+ mph speed. But.... since I had been wanting to get with some people that would make me push myself it was just what I needed.
As I said, the ride was mostly flat and, luckily since it was a straight shot, there was very little chance of getting dropped. Even so, Geri stopped once or twice and kept looking back to make sure I was still with her. We pulled over about 9 miles in to meet up with another cyclist, and were surprised to find yet another gal (Anastasia), who had apparently started late and missed our start, catch up with us. We took off for another 4 miles or so, which included a long but not-too-steep hill. Once again, I was on my own as the other's took off, but we caught up at the turn around point where I was met with thumbs up and words of encouragement.
The headwind on the way back was fairly brutal, and I was getting a little tired - not to mention my nether-region was getting a bit numb (TMI, I know, but it's the nature of the beast of cycling, so I hear). I was averaging about a 14.8 mph speed which I was a bit disappointed in to be honest, since my rides WITH hills average about 13.5. I was certain that on a flat course I could average much more. One of the riders asked if the bike I was using (my Trek road bike) was the one I would be racing with. I told him no, that I had bought a Scott Plasma, but that since it was tri bike with aero bars I wasn't quite ready to get out on long rides just yet. He told me that I will be surprised at what a difference the bike makes - so that gives me hope that I can continue to get faster and stronger as the months go by.
For a large portion of the ride back one of the guys, Nick, rode alongside me and we talked a bit, making the time go by faster. Before you know it, we were pulling up to the Indiana side of the bridge and met up with Linden once again. They stuck around there for a bit, while I went ahead across to finish up my ride. I ended up with a total of 26.91 miles in 1hr and 50 minutes at an average of 14.8 mph. My shoulders and neck feel a bit tight, but I'm hoping this is just something that comes with getting used to the ride. I've been fitted for my bike already, but it's not unheard of to require an adjustment one you get out on it for a few rides. I guess only time will tell if this is the case or not.
Closing thoughts: I still need A LOT of work on the bike. I'd really like to know what would be considered a decent average pace, and work towards that. Training officially starts a week from tomorrow, and after yesterday's 10 miler coupled with today's ride, I'm a bit concerned about just how tired I'm gonna end up being over the next six months. I gotta tell ya - I'm beat!
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