An electronic journey into the training and event log of an endurance and multi-sport athlete
About Me

- Connie
- Louisville, Kentucky, United States
- After four years of long-distance running (5k, 10k, half-marathons) I got a little burnt out and decided to try my hand at triathlons. This blog is a journey into my training regime, as well as the play-by-play experiences I have had while competing in these amazingly fun events!
Monday, May 20, 2013
Frustration Ensues
It has been so hard to stick to my guns about the workout plan. Working 11 hour days, 4 days a week has proven to be very difficult. On the bright side, I have begun using My Fitness Pal again, figuring that if I can't make the time to work out, I can at least keep track of my calorie consumption and keep that to a minimum - reducing my chances of at least putting on any more weight and body fat. I did manage the first bike ride of the season last week, and that was so awesome. I've really missed getting out there, feeling the wind, being out in nature, and having so much fun that it barely even feels like a workout. I was off work from the hospital today and still went into the office to see four clients. It gave me a little taste of what to expect when I begin working there full-time, and I can already tell I'm going to really enjoy it. One thing I will have to definitely keep up though is my social life. Not talking to anyone all day (besides clients, anyway) then coming straight home can become rather cumbersome and depressing if I don't watch it. This is why I plan to continue working a few shifts a month at the hospital, not only to keep my name and face out there for referrals, but to also continue with the social aspect of the job - as I do really enjoy the people that I work with. The idea is also to be out of work in enough time to work out - or even go in late enough so that I have time in the morning. Currently, I work at the hospital from 7:30 - 3:00, then see clients until 6:30, putting me home at 7:00. The problem has always been my ability to say "no" to new clients, and continuously overloading myself on the schedule. For instance, I already have a full schedule next week (including one person scheduled Friday which I NEVER do) and I have three more people on the cancelation list, which basically means if I have any cancelations, those spots should be filled with at least one of the three people I have on standby. This means no going home early for me, which of course means less time to do the things that I SHOULD be doing, like working out. In any case, what I would like to do is take the bike to the office a few days a week and ride for at least an hour or so straight after work. That way I'm already out there, I have no excuses, and I feel physically productive for the day. Unfortunately, a part of me somewhat knew that this could happen when I began the Insanity program. :( This certainly doesn't mean I've given up entirely on the workouts - I still plan to complete the DVD's when I can. I just don't think it's going to be feasible for me to do them consistently, and especially not the six days a week that it requires.
Sunday, May 12, 2013
No Pain, No Gain. Right??
I'm just about 24 hours post my first Mudathlon and my arms are so freakin' sore! But... a good sore. The kinda sore where you feel like you got something done. Alicia and I have been talking for years about doing a fun, obstacle-course type of race and we finally signed up for this one a few months ago. The Mudathlon, in particular, is a 5k race that advertises 40 obstacles. And although it was certainly a lot of fun (and VERY muddy), they were a little short on obstacles unless they counted every water-filled creek we had to jump across. It was a chilly morning (in the 50's), and had rained for the 24 hours preceeding this event, so it was sure to be an interesting race nonetheless. We met at 6:00 a.m., grabbed some breakfast, then headed to General Butler State Park about 45 minutes away. I'm not sure what got into us, but at some point one of us mentioned that it may be an even better race if we were a little "tipsy." Keep in mind, Alicia and I do like to partake of the occasional adult beverage, but have never done so immediately prior to a race - or at 7:00 a.m. for that matter. But, it sounded like a good idea at the time so we stopped off and each bought one of those new energy drinks that includes 6-8% alcohol by volume. Sitting in her nice, heated car before headed to the start, we drank our drinks, duct taped our shoes, donned the new, matching tank tops Alicia had bought us specifically for the race (Hey, even though we like to have muddy fun, we're still a little girly-girl like that), and headed out for what was sure to be a cold, sloppy, interesting mess. It was a fairly small start, with maybe 20 of us going out in our wave. The first mile mainly consisted of jumping over multiple creeks and repelling down small hills with the help of ropes. Seeing as how the rain really muddied up the path, it was extremely slick in some places, and it didn't take long for Alicia and I to both get good and messy. At one creek crossing, I was hesitant as it was a little further jump than I had expected, and the muddied banks provided enough slickness that one could easily bite the dust (or mud) once landing on the other side. With the help of a guy on the opposite bank however, I swiftly bounded across, grabbed hold of his hand, and was pulled to safety. Ah, success! We continued on to mile 2 and met up with another pack of people who also helped us through most of the obstacles. Jumping over large bales of hay, crawling along in the mud under plastic partitions, speed-sliding down a sheet of plastic into a pool of watery goodness, and climbing over walls - this was turning out to be all the fun I expected and more. Near the end of the mile however, we came across a tall obstacle in which you had to climb ropes to the top, and then climb back down via muddy, slick planks of wood on the other side. Now, I'm all about having fun, but the possiblility of slipping on one of the planks and falling to my death was too much for me to bear, and I walked around instead. I know, I know, call me a wuss - but I quite enjoy my limbs, my life, and the ability to walk. And no fun run is worth risking any of that. Maybe next time.... Regardless, we kept on til the end of the race, and were a couple of scratched up, wet, filthy, bruised, sore, tired messes by the end. It was definitely worth it, though. And the swag to this race was just awesome. For $80 we got an entry to the 5k, a shirt, beer coozie, glass mug, bandana, nice finishers medal, and a free burger and beer at the end. All in all, the race got two thumbs up for me, and I look forward to searching out more of these obstacle-style races in the future. Until that day comes, I will continue to move forward on my Insanity journey, and a healthier me!
Monday, May 6, 2013
Week 2 - re-do
Well, since I completely bonked last week I've decided to start week two all over again, and survived the second day so far. I must say, Pure Cardio is - by far - the hardest DVD out of the series. I mean, 15 minutes of ongoing high intensity cardio with no breaks?! Sheesh! It exhausts me but I still feel SO GOOD after :) (Re-reading that last sentence sounds pretty absurd considering I've completed so many marathons and triathlons. After all, 15 minutes of cardio seems like small potatoes in comparison, but I gotta say, the intensity in long-distance running is nothing like I get from this workout). Still, my diet is my worst enemy. I made some turkey chili last night and, although it's somewhat healthy, it leaves me feeling bloated and too full. We had a mexican buffet provided by the hospital for lunch today, and that wasn't exactly a smart choice either (topped off with three cookies - not good). Again, I feel that if I'm going to put this much work into this program I need to make more of an effort to control my cravings and food intake. I have always had such a hard time saying "no" to food when it's right in front of me. Especially when it's free and bad for me :/ I know I'm going to sound like a lot of my patient's here but, "Can't I just get a pill for that?"
Sunday, May 5, 2013
Poor Odds
The odds were definitely stacked against me this week, and I will be re-starting Insanity tomorrow. I had a week of vertigo, doctors appointments, dishcrawl and Derby parties - needless to say the energy I put out this week was, by far, a lot less than the food I took in. And I gotta say, this weather is really doing a number on my mood as well. I mean, it's May 5th and it's 55 degrees outside. REALLY??? C'mon Mother Nature! So I haven't done jack smack all day long. I don't forsee any issues coming up in the near future, so my workout plan should not be hampered any further. Alicia and I have the Mudathlon this coming Saturday and I'm looking forward to all that crazy fun. However, the forecast is calling for rain - but that could only make things more interesting, right?
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Week 2
Yesterday was a bust - I woke up in the middle of the night Saturday with some pretty intense vertigo, and while it didn't bother me Sunday during the day, it was more of the same Sunday night, and I ended up having to go to the doctor to get it checked out Monday (yesterday). The medication they gave me to help with the vertigo makes me drowsy and I didn't get my workout in. Today, however...... I killed it! The workout appeared to be harder this time around for some reason, but on the upside I really think that my stamina is growing in some areas (this is definitely NOT the cardio area I'm talking), but keeping up with the pushups and the jump kicks has improved. I'm still feeling that my arms are getting harder and more defined, but the rest of me feels like one big blah. My workout shorts and sports bra definitely accentuate the fat (i.e. "muffin top") that runneth over, however wearing a shirt to cover up said blubber sounds like an even more horrible idea than having to subject my retinas to my flaws. So.... I guess I'll deal with it. I guess like a lot of other people, working this hard only to look down and see that there is still so much progress to be made is somewhat of a bummer. I know, I know... it's only been a week so I shouldn't be expecting much this soon - which is probably why many people give up as soon as they do. I'm still determined to finish out the sixty days, though. One thing I wish would stick is getting up early to do the workouts before work. At least three days since starting I've set my alarm early to get up and do just that, but end up re-setting for a later time or "snoozing" my way through it. Getting straight up out of bed to do 30-40 minutes of cardio sounds like torture. I guess that just goes along with what they say though - "When is the best time to workout?" "Whatever time you will actually DO it!" As a side note, my nutrition continues to be a sore spot. Although I try my hardest to eat well, and feel like I do the majority of the time, I still have a hard time saying no, and making the better choice at restaurants. I truly feel that this is probably my biggest problem, and I wouldn't be where I am right now if it weren't for the processed, sugary, carb-filled foods I put into my body. I definitely don't want to get to the end of the sixty days and not see any change at all due to not changing my eating habits as much as I know I should. So I guess my ongoing goal, especially going into week 2, will be to eat better and stick with it!
Saturday, April 27, 2013
Week One Down
Well, I've officially survived week one of Insanity and I have to say - I feel great! I don't feel great, however, about missing the mini-marathon this morning :( My third race this year that I signed up, paid for, and then missed. Long story short - LG&E came out to work on the gas lines, had to turn off my gas, and neglected to re-light the furnace when they left so I've basically been without heat since. Not that it's freezing outside, but I was so anxious last night about it being out that, not only did I sleep like crap, but I also got a bit chilly. Getting up at 5:30 a.m. to run a race in 40-50 degree weather in the (possible) rain didn't seem like a lot of fun. Regardless, I'm trying not to beat myself up about it since I did end up doing the scheduled Insanity workout today. And... whether it is all in my mind or not, I think I do see a little bit of definition coming through on my arms. I've certainly done more push-ups in the past week than I've done in the past year. I'm still trying to find a good balance with my food intake. I've been attempting to eat better this week, and although there is room for improvement, I think I've done a fairly decent job. Tomorrow, I will enjoy my day off with friends at the Bats game, and then get back into the swing of things on Monday. Week 2, here I come!
Friday, April 26, 2013
Pure Cardio Day
I made an executive decision to skip the workout yesterday, since I will be running the half-marathon tomorrow. The workout would have been "Cardio Recovery," which is apparently a ton of leg work such as lunges and squats. If you've ever done either of these, you will know that doing these types of moves, and then running 13.1 miles two days later probably isn't a good idea.... so I opted out. I did, however, compelete today's workout which was Pure Cardio. This was a killer - but not really much strength training. Basically, 14 minutes of high-intensity cardio non-stop with no breaks. UGH. I wasn't looking forward to it going in, but as always, I was glad I did it. I'm scheduled to do the Plyometric Cardio Circuit tomorrow, but I figure running the 13.1 will probably cover that :) I'm still looking for some physical results, although so far I have noticed that my energy this week has been sky-rocketed. So much so, that I've actually been having a hard time falling asleep. However, I've been sleeping GREAT, and that's new; good - but new. So far I'm still glad that I made the decision to do this. I'm still not bored, and although I haven't really gotten to the point where I really look forward to the workouts, I feel good during, and especially after I've completed it. So hopefully these hard workouts, coupled with the grocery shopping I did yesterday (probably the first time I've ever went to the grocery and didn't buy anything that could be considered "bad"), will all equal a great, healthy, fit, and "cut" body in the end!
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
Mind Over Matter
Day 3 of Insanity and I was really worried that I may have to skip tonight's workout due to the extreme tightness of my calves, as well as an essential all-over soreness throughout my body. But... I managed to make it through another video and boy am I glad I did! I always feel so good after a workout, and tonight was no exception. My calves are still a bit tight and sore, and my arms feel like jello since there were plenty of push-ups throughout this workout. I'm now researching protein shakes, and many of the folks who have completed Insanity use these on top of completing the program. My fear is spending lots of money on something that really doesn't make much of a difference anyway. Besides, I plan on grocery shopping tomorrow to re-stock my kitchen with plenty of good, healthy foods that I've been trying to incorporate into my life for the past few months anyway. As for my experience so far with this workout program, I'm feeling good about it. I don't get bored, as it is all circuit training, and I absolutely love that they put the time up on the videos to let you know how much longer you have left in the set, as well as the time remaining to complete the entire workout itself. For someone who is impatient, this is good stuff. I am still a bit concerned, however, that I will become bored eventually, or "life" will happen and I will begin to fall back and give up all together. This is pretty common with other workouts that I've tried in the past. But... since I'm already feeling results (better mood, more energy, etc) I'm hoping this time will be different, and that soon I will actually SEE some results as well.
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Day 2
I officially survived my second workout with Insanity today - although I almost didn't make it. I don't know if it was the Fit Test two days ago, or the 5k hilly run later that day, or possibly the combination of the two, but my calves and hamstrings have been super-tight over the past two days. To the point that it hurt to stand up, walk, walk up or down stairs, or basically just move. I was worried that I may have to put it off for a few more days or even a week or more - the Derby half marathon is in 4 more days, and I figured if my legs felt this tight and sore after a 5k, I can imagine how they will feel after the 13.1 miles. But... I pushed through and by the time the Insanity workout was over my calves actually felt BETTER! And as far as the workout.... well, it actually wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. Everyone I've talked to has said that it was just crazy-insane and the hardest thing they've ever done. Of course, this was the first of many workouts, so I may be speaking too soon, but for the most part I was able to stick with it and took a few breaks near the end. I'm sure I will be able to get through the whole thing as I go along, but I am definitely bound and determined to finish these sixty days. I want a toned and fit body, darnit!
Sunday, April 21, 2013
Although I've already posted once today already, I thought I would go ahead and post my Fit Test results from earlier. Insanity has you track the number of reps you can do from 8 different moves, and then re-test yourself every two weeks after beginning the program to see how far you've come. I also took some "before" photos of myself, which I will also be posting on this site. I gotta say - this "test" kicked my arse! It was a lot of cardio and I literally felt a few times that I was going to toss some cookies. But, here are my results:
Switch kicks: 39
Power jacks: 33
Power knees: 45
Power jumps: 10
Globe jumps: 8
Suicide jumps: 3
Push-up jacks: 7
Low Plank Oblique: 18
Although the Fit Test was technically a workout, I hadn't planned on starting the program until tomorrow, so technically I'm a day ahead. This works for me, however, since I have a half-marathon on Saturday and will either use that as one of my regular "workout" days, or end up doing the additional video on Sunday (an "off" day). Either way, I've watched a few videos on You Tube of some before and after results of other women who have completed Insanity, and I'm feeling pretty good about going into this process. We'll see over the next few days if I feel the same way - that is, if I survive!
And So It Begins...
I will be starting the Insanity workout program tomorrow (biting nails...) I'm a little anxious as I've heard how hard and intense the program is. However, I also know that they preach to go at your own pace, so I'm not concerned with keeping up with the people on the DVD's. I have a 5k Zombie Run today, and plan on doing the fit test either before or after that, to get an idea of where I'm starting off (i.e. how out of shape I really am). I also plan to take some "before" pictures to chart my progress. I already took my body fat percentage with the tool that they sent me, and I am at 21% body fat right now, which is apparently pretty good for a woman. I also got the results of my cholesterol test back yesterday, and I am at 233 which is a little high. I normally only get that done once a year though, so I probably won't see if there has been any change there until I go back to the doctor next April. The fact that it's only somewhat elevated though doesn't concern me.
Currently I weigh 134 pounds. I'm not sure I specifically have a goal weight in mind, as I realize that with this workout I may put on muscle, which of course weighs more than fat. I'm basically gonna go by how I feel and how my clothes fit. I now wear a size 8 pant (which is has always been pretty much the norm no matter how much I weigh) and a size 6 dress. My main goal in doing this is to be healthy and fit. I am a little concerned, though, about being able to work out 6 days a week. My schedule is pretty full as it is with work, so my plan is to suck it up and make myself get up early before work to do the workouts. The chances that I will do it when I get home in the evening after working a full 11 hour day are pretty slim to none - realizing this ahead of time is probably a good thing.
So, without further ado, let the pain commence.
Sunday, April 14, 2013
Getting Back Into The Swing of Things
It's been over a year since I posted, and almost two years since my last triathlon. I have, however, kept up with the running from time to time, and have continued to sign up for half marathons despite my ability to train as well as I know I should.
Since opening up my practice in February 2012, I have been working 50+ hours a week which has been rather exhausting. When I have the time to train I don't have the energy, and when I have the energy I don't have the time - so it's been a lose-lose situation. I have been eating better the last few months however, and am down a total of nearly 16 pounds since November 2011. Most of that has come off since November 2012, however. And although I am a lot thinner than I was 6 months ago, I would still like to tone up and lose some body fat. Enter: Insanity. I just bought the videos on-line this morning, and they should be here by the end of the week. I feel I must do SOMETHING to stay in shape. It has reached a point where nearly all of my friends are married with children, and being one of the only single gals left, my social life has paid the price and I find myself not doing much during the week, and sometimes even the weekends anymore. Hence, working all day/evening and then coming home to the couch has been my M.O. for the past 6 months or so.
I have sign up for the Derby half (a tradition), which goes off in just two weeks. And, keeping with my history, there has been virtually no training for this. I will have to do something, however, as Alicia informed me last night that she no longer wants to do long-distance racing. This means I'm on my own not only for training, but for the races themselves. Kind of a bummer - it is the only constant I have had in my life to keep my somewhat active. I'm still interested in running however, and even if I have to go it alone I know I will.
So... the plan right now is to continue doing what I can with the time and energy that I have alloted. I will begin Insanity when it arrives and try to consistently update my progress. I am thinking of signing up for a sprint-distance tri in May to get back into the swing of things, which would include a pass to the local pool to begin training. With spring here and summer coming up, hopefully my mood and motivation will significantly improve and I can pull off these goals of mine. Until then....
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