About Me

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Louisville, Kentucky, United States
After four years of long-distance running (5k, 10k, half-marathons) I got a little burnt out and decided to try my hand at triathlons. This blog is a journey into my training regime, as well as the play-by-play experiences I have had while competing in these amazingly fun events!

Monday, December 12, 2011

It's been months!

Well, since my full marathon in Chicago in October, I did complete the St. Louis Rock and Roll Half Marathon in late-October - after that....... nothin'! It's been a tough year - lots of work stress, the ending of a significant relatioship, a bout with depression - all of which really hamper a gals motivation level and energy. So.... I shouldn't have been surprised when I stepped on the scale today to discover that I am officially 20 pounds over my "comfortable" weight. This is not to say that I'm "overweight," as many people who know me personally would probably tell you that I look healthy and thin. However, for a medium framed 5'5" woman, I should weigh no more than 141 pounds. I'm 150. YIKES!

There is a history of obesity in my family, which is frightening to me since so many family members have passed away due to unhealthy lifestyle habits. And though I have worked my ass off (literally sometimes) in the past to stay thin, healthy and in-shape, slacking off this year really did me in. I can't believe how fast it seemed to have come on. I can remember going to the doctor a few years ago, stepping on the scale at 130, and my doctor telling me to "watch it" since I had an increase of 5-10 pounds since my prior visit. Just a year ago, it was 140. And now.... ugh! I shutter at the thought of sitting here at the same time next year complaining of the dreaded 160. No way! I'm putting a stop to this now!

I got on the treadmill yesterday - the first time in forever - for a slow and steady three miles. Then on to the bike trainer today after work for a 45 minute spin. I can't remember the last time I worked out two days in a row. Along with this, I'm also taking a homeopathic that is supposed to aid in depression, mood, concentration, energy and (subsequently) is a natural appetite suppressant. I've never been big on diet pills, as I love to eat, and don't think low fat/no fat foods are exactly "healthy" (I mean, what's the point, right?) So....although I had decided just a few months ago to slow down on the races in 2012 (I completed 19 in 2010, and at least 7 in 2011), I'm going to use these races to give me the added motivation I need to get my ass up and out and work off some of this fat!

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