About Me

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Louisville, Kentucky, United States
After four years of long-distance running (5k, 10k, half-marathons) I got a little burnt out and decided to try my hand at triathlons. This blog is a journey into my training regime, as well as the play-by-play experiences I have had while competing in these amazingly fun events!

Monday, September 5, 2011

Providence Rock and Roll Half Marathon

Obviously been a while since I've updated anything, and mostly that has been due to working A LOT, and hence not training much at all - for anything. I geared it up for a bit there, preparing for the Rev 3 Half IM to take place in a week, but after working way too many hours, and being unable to find the time or energy to train properly, I backed out and have decided to try another time.
I did complete the Providence R&R Half at the beginning of August, and took the opportunity to also turn it into a mini-vacation in Boston for a few days. It was pretty humid when we arrived on the Saturday before the race, and by Sunday morning the rain had started. We were already pretty drenched before the race even started, so it was no big deal when it decided to rain - sometimes downpour - during the ENTIRE 13.1 miles. Unfortunate for me, I remembered to Body Glide my thighs, but not the insides of my arms, so by the end of the race I had two spots that had been rubbed raw and hurt like heck! For not training much (other than some long bike rides over the summer), I finished in a respectable time of 2:39:13.
A few weeekends later, I was watching the Louisville Ironman in my hometown and it really got me bummed that I pulled out of Rev 3. I just don't know if I want to try to push myself to that limit (both physically, AND mentally) after minimal training. Speaking of which.....
Chicago is in 4 weeks, and although I've tried to get Alicia to meet me out a few weekend mornings to run, nothing has panned out. I have good intentions by telling myself that I'm going to run anyway, even without a partner, but longer distances are hard to complete alone. The wienie part of me starts telling myself that I'm too tired, I'm too hot, I can't go on, and that 3 miles should be plenty for today - there's always next weekend. So, I've just sent her a text asking that we meet this weekend for a 10 miler, and then add on 4 miles to each additional weekend building up to Chicago. I know it's not ideal training, but it's certainly better than nothing - and the last thing I want is a repeat of Memphis.
But for now, no more races scheduled until then. Was toying with doing either a sprint or olympic tri this weekend, but after paying some bills I don't really have the extra cash, so I'm gonna wait to hear back from Alicia and hope for the best. Worse case scenario - I go out on my own and muddle through the best I can. Until next time...

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